Q: How do I login?
To go to the login page you
click on the "Log In" link (shown below) at the top right of any
web page.
Once on the Login
page, enter your team's user id and password then click 'Login'.
The user id is NOT case sensitive however the password IS case
Q: How can I get a user id to access the team related
Once a team is formed, the coach will receive
a system user id and password. This user id and password is to
be shared amongst team officials who require access to this
Officials requiring access are the head coach and
manager. Sometimes a third person is included if the manager's
job is shared or another person helping out.
Each team
official will share the SAME user id and password. Each contact
assigned to the team will receive scheduling notification emails
from the system.
Q: Our team forgot their password. How do we get it
At any point, a team's user id and password can
be resent by the system.
Go to the Login Screen by
clicking the "Log In" link (shown below) at the top right of the
web site.
Select your team
within the Forgot User Id/Password section. Click the
'Email Team Contacts' link.(shown below)
email will be sent to all team contacts.
Q: Can I reset our team password?
The scheduling site now has change password functionality. Once logged on, the link to change
your team password is at the top left beside the Log out link.
Q: Why does the schedule page list not show a lot of entries?
The ice schedule is too large to show all rows. By default,
only today's schedule initially shows.
More scheduled
items can be retrieved by altering the Ice Schedule Search
Criteria.(show below)
different 'Between Date' and/or 'and Date' to retrieve more
data. In addition, specific Teams, Locations, and/or Schedule
Types can also be selected.
Click 'Search' to perform the new
Q: Why isn't my team in the Team list?
There are
too many teams to display in one list. Pick a Sub Category
first (shown below) and the Team drop down list will be
populated with the associated teams.
Q: What are the location abbreviations?
following is the list of location abbreviations and full names.
Location Abbreviation | Location Description |
KRC-A | KRC Arena A |
KRC-B | KRC Arena B |
BSP-MA | Bell Sensplex Mattamy |
BSP-CT | Bell Sensplex Can Tire |
BSP-SC | Bell Sensplex Scotiabank |
BSP-PI | Bell Sensplex Paladium Insurance |
ML | Mlacak |
JAC | Jack Charron |
RAC | RA Centre |
CU-A | Carleton University A |
CU-B | Carleton University B |
MRC-N | Minto Recreation Centre North Arena |
MRC-S | Minto Recreation Centre South Arena |
GRC-A | Goulbourn Recreation Complex Arena A |
GRC-B | Goulbourn Recreation Complex Arena B |
NSP-01 | Nepean Sportsplex Arena 01 |
NSP-02 | Nepean Sportsplex Arena 02 |
NSP-03 | Nepean Sportsplex Arena 03 |
Bell | Bell High |
Belltown | Belltown Dome |
JLeroux | Johnny Leroux |